How to Learn to Code & Get a Developer Job: Guide, Summary & Thoughts

Are you dreaming of a career in coding but unsure where to start? How to Learn to Code & Get a Developer Job, a book that acts as a roadmap to success in the tech industry, is your go-to guide. This guide delves deep into the essential skills, networking strategies, and mindset needed to navigate the path from novice to professional developer. Let's unpack the key takeaways from this invaluable resource by Quincy Larson.

1. Embracing Self-Directed Learning

The journey starts with embracing the essence of self-directed learning. As a self-learner, you're the curator of your educational journey, choosing resources and skills to focus on. The book emphasizes the significance of community in this process. Whether online or in person, communities of learners offer invaluable support, advice, and direction.

2. Starting with JavaScript and Python

For beginners, the book recommends starting with JavaScript. It's versatile, in demand, and easier to learn compared to other languages like Java and C++. Python, another pivotal language, is lauded for its applications in scientific computing. Both languages offer a strong foundation for a budding developer.

3. Mastering Web Development Skills

The core of web development lies in mastering HTML, CSS, Linux, Git, SQL, Node.js, and Express.js. HTML and CSS form the basic structure and style of web pages, Linux powers most servers worldwide, and Git is crucial for collaborative development. SQL manages databases, while Node.js and Express.js are key for understanding web servers.

4. Navigating Developer Culture

A unique aspect of this book is its emphasis on understanding developer culture. It encourages a blend of passion and modesty. Overconfidence, especially among seasoned developers, can be a pitfall. The book advises to learn from others, be modest about your skills, and continuously seek growth.

5. The Power of Networking

Regular attendance at local tech events, such as startup nights, is highlighted as crucial. These gatherings are not just for learning but also for networking, sharing ideas, and possibly securing investments. Networking is a skill as important as coding itself in the tech world.

6. Strategic Networking with Personal Network Board

An innovative approach recommended by the book is using a Kanban board tool like Trello to organize and strategize your networking efforts. This methodical approach ensures you're not just collecting contacts but actively engaging with your network in a meaningful way.

Final Thoughts

How to Learn to Code & Get a Developer Job by Quincy Larson stands out as more than just a technical guide; it's a mentor in book form. It encompasses the technical skills, networking strategies, and cultural insights necessary to not only enter the tech industry but to thrive in it. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to solidify their coding career, this book is an indispensable guide on your journey.